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Monday, August 6, 2012

On Your Right!

You may notice, that something has changed to the right of my posts. I have added a RSS feed of recent child related recalls, direct from the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Those are not advertisements, they are safety notices. The CPSC receives incident reports from consumers, they inspect the claim, and issue recalls as needed to protect the public from harmful products. If you have an item that has posed a danger risk to your family, or if someone you know has been injured by a product, you can file an incident report with the CPSC.

How to Stay Safe:
I highly recommend joining the CPSC's e-mail list. You choose the categories that pertain to you, and when there is a recall the CPSC will send out a mass e-mail. They do not send anything other than recall e-mails. You can do this by visiting https://www.cpsc.gov/cpsclist.aspx.

When buying a product second hand, check online to see if it has ever been recalled before using. The CPSC website will give you the information, but you can also just type in the name and the word 'recall' into a search engine too.

If you buy a product that includes a recall notification letter, then fill it out and send it in. They will inform you if the item is ever recalled.

Be safe, and spread the word! So many dangerous products are still out there...

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